Hizb 11
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The hypocrites seek to outwit God -- but it is He who outwits them. And when they stand up for prayer, they do so reluctantly and to be seen by others, and they hardly remember God at all. 142 They dangle between the one and the other (faith and disbelief), and belong neither to these nor to those completely. And he whom Allah lets go astray, for him you can find no way. 143 O you who believe! do not take the unbelievers for friends rather than the believers; do you desire that you should give to Allah a manifest proof against yourselves? 144 Surely the hypocrites are in the lowest stage of the fire and you shall not find a helper for them. 145 those (hypocrites) who have repented, put their trust in God, and sincerely followed only His religion will live with the believers to whom God will give a great reward. 146 What concern hath Allah for your punishment if ye are thankful (for His mercies) and believe (in Him)? Allah was ever Responsive, Aware. 147 ۞ God likes not the shouting of evil words unless a man has been wronged; God is All-hearing, All-knowing. 148 whether you do good openly or in secret, or pardon others for evil [done unto you]: for, behold, God is indeed an absolver of sins, infinite in His power. 149 Those who deny God and His messengers and seek to make a distinction between God and His messengers and say, "We believe in some messengers and disbelieve in others", and desire to adopt a position in between. 150 Are verily the real unbelievers. And We have reserved for unbelievers an ignominious punishment. 151 But those who believe in Allah and His messengers and make no distinction between any of them, unto them Allah will give their wages; and Allah was ever Forgiving, Merciful. 152
Hizb 11
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
تشير بداية ونهاية كل سورة الى السور المنزلة قبلها و بعدها. يمكنك الضغط على أي منها للذهاب إليها.
The beginning and end of every Surah mention the Surahs sent down before and after. You can click or tap on either one to go there.
اضغط المثلثات الصغيرة أعلى الإطار وأسفله إلى اليمين لعرض فهرس الأجزاء حيث يمكنك الانتقال إلى أي جزء أو حزب أو ثلاثة أرباع أو نصف أو ربع أو أية صفحة بداخله.
Click or tap the small triangles above and below the frame on the left to display the Juz Table of Contents where you can go to any Juz, Hizb, ¾, ½, ¼, or any page within.
عند قراءة القرآن الملون في وضعية اللغة العربية المرسومة بالأحرف الإنجليزية، قد لا تلاحظ وجود منظومة برمجية مصممة لمطابقة متطلبات علامات الوقف في النص العربي الأصلي. فكما تعلم، يحتوي القرآن على خمسة أنواع رئيسية من علامات الوقف. (1) وقف لازم، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي نقطة وقف. (2) وقف جائز مع الوقف أولى، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال الثلثين. (3) وقف جائز مع تساوي أولوية الوقف والوصل، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال النصف للنصف. (4) وقف جائز مع الوصل أولى، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال الثلث. (5) وقف المجاذبة أو المعانقة حيث يجب الوقف في أي من موضعين قريبين ولكن ليس كلاهما، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة تظهر في أحد الموقعين باحتمال النصف للنصف.
When reading the Colorful Quran in English transliterated Arabic mode, you may not notice that there is an algorithm designed to match the pause requirements of the original Arabic scripture, (waqf signs). As you may know, the original Arabic Quran has five main types of pauses, (waqf) signs. (1) Compulsory break, where the transliteration uses a full stop. (2) Optional pause with the preference for pausing, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a probability of two thirds. (3) Optional stop with an equal preference for pausing and resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a half-half probability. (4) Optional pause with the preference for resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a chance of one third. (5) Attraction pause, also called hugging, or (mu’anaka) sign, where it is compulsory to pause at either one of two nearby positions, but not both; where the transliteration inserts a comma at either one of the two locations with a half-half probability.