3/4 Hizb 44
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Verily Allah is the Knower of the unseen of the heavens and the earth. Verily, He is the Knower of that which is in the breasts. 38 It is He who appointed you viceroys in the earth. So whosoever disbelieves, his unbelief shall be charged against him; their unbelief increases the disbelievers only in hate in God's sight; their unbelief increases the disbelievers only in loss. 39 Say to them (O Prophet): “Have you ever seen those of your associates upon whom you call apart from Allah? Show me what have they created in the earth? Or do they have any partnership (with Allah) in the heavens? Or have We given them a Book so that they have a clear proof (for associating others with Allah in His Divinity)?” Nay, what these wrong-doers promise each other is nothing but delusion. 40 ۞ It is Allah who holds the heavens and the earth lest they vanish. Should they vanish, none would hold them after Him. He is the Clement, the Forgiving. 41 And they swore by Allah, their most binding oath, that if a warner came unto them they would be more tractable than any of the nations; yet, when a warner came unto them it aroused in them naught save repugnance, 42 Priding themselves in the earth and scheming evil; and the evil scheming falls only upon those who scheme it; so what are they waiting for, except the tradition of the earlier nations? So you will never find the traditions of Allah changing; and you will never find Allah’s law being avoided. 43 Have they not travelled on the earth, so that they might see what wise hath been the end of those before them. although they were stronger than these in Power? And Allah is not such that aught in the heavens and the earth can frustrate him. Verily, He is ever the Knowing, the potent. 44 Were God to punish people for their deeds immediately, not one creature would have survived on earth. However, He has given them a respite for an appointed time and when their term comes to an end, let it be known that God watches over His servants. 45
Almighty Allah's Truth.
End of Surah: Initiator (Faater). Sent down in Mecca after The Statute Book (Al-Furqaan) before Mary (Maryam)
3/4 Hizb 44
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When reading the Colorful Quran in English transliterated Arabic mode, you may not notice that there is an algorithm designed to match the pause requirements of the original Arabic scripture, (waqf signs). As you may know, the original Arabic Quran has five main types of pauses, (waqf) signs. (1) Compulsory break, where the transliteration uses a full stop. (2) Optional pause with the preference for pausing, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a probability of two thirds. (3) Optional stop with an equal preference for pausing and resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a half-half probability. (4) Optional pause with the preference for resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a chance of one third. (5) Attraction pause, also called hugging, or (mu’anaka) sign, where it is compulsory to pause at either one of two nearby positions, but not both; where the transliteration inserts a comma at either one of the two locations with a half-half probability.
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