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Allah created the heavens and the earth for just ends, and in order that each soul may find the recompense of what it has earned, and none of them be wronged. 22 Have you seen the one who has chosen his desires as his lord? God has knowingly caused him to go astray, sealed his ears and heart and veiled his vision. Who besides God can guide him? Will they, then, not take heed? 23 They say: 'There is nothing except this life, we die and we live, it is only time that destroys us' Surely, of this they have no knowledge, they are just guessing. 24 When Our clear revelations are recited to them, their only argument is to say: "Bring our ancestors back, if what you say is true." 25 Say: "It is Allah Who gives you life, then gives you death; then He will gather you together for the Day of Judgment about which there is no doubt": But most men do not understand. 26
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
يعرض القرآن الملون الصفحات بواحد من ثلاثة خطوط عربية. قد يظهر أي منهم بإحتمال الثلث، مما يزيد على التنوع الموجود أصلا في الألوان. وتبقى الكلمات خالدة الى الابد. وقريبا، سيكون للقرآن الملون خطوطا أُخرى جميلة إن شاء الله.
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