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And assuredly We vouchsafed unto Musa the Book and We placed with him his brother Harun as a minister. 35 Then We said, "Go together to the people who have denied Our signs." We utterly destroyed them! 36 We drowned the people of Noah because of their rejection of the Messengers and made them evidence of the Truth for mankind. We have prepared a painful torment for the unjust ones. 37 And (also) 'Ad and Thamud, and the dwellers of Ar-Rass, and many generations in between. 38 to each of them We gave examples, and each of them We utterly ruined. 39 And indeed they have passed by the town [of Prophet Lout (Lot)] on which was rained the evil rain. Did they (disbelievers) not then see it (with their own eyes)? Nay! But they used not to expect for any resurrection. 40 And when they see you (O dear Prophet Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him) they take you but as a mockery, “Is this the one whom Allah sent as a (Noble) Messenger?” 41 He had well-nigh led us astray from our gods had we not adhered to them patiently! And they will know, when they see the punishment, who is straying farther off from the path. 42 Have you (O Muhammad SAW) seen him who has taken as his ilah (god) his own desire? Would you then be a Wakil (a disposer of his affairs or a watcher) over him? 43 Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are no better than cattle; in fact they are farther astray from the path. 44
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
اقرأ القرآن الكريم كله ملونا بالكامل، حيث تولد ألوان وأشكال الصفحات بشكل عشوائي تماما بحيث لا يتكرر التركيب نفسه مرتين.
Read the entire Holy Quran in full color, where pages randomly generate their colors and shapes so that the same scheme never repeats twice.
اضغط المثلثات الصغيرة في أعلى الإطار وأسفله إلى اليسار لعرض فهرس السور، حيث يمكنك الانتقال إلى أي سورة أو أية صفحة بداخلها.
Click or tap the small triangles above and below the frame on the right to display the Surah Table of Contents, where you can go to any Surah or any page within.
توجد تمارين تحفيظ للوضعين العربي الأصلي والعربي المخطوط بأحرف إنجليزية فقط. ولا تحتوي الترجمة الإنجليزية على تمارين حفظ.
There are memorization exercises for the original Arabic and English transliterated Arabic modes only. The English translation mode has no memorization exercises.