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Luqmaan (Luqmaan)
34 verses, revealed in Mecca after The Arrangers (Al-Saaffaat) before Sheba (Saba)
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful
Alif. Lam. Mim. 1 These are Verses of the Wise Book (the Quran). 2 A guidance and a mercy for the well-doers: 3 Those who keep the prayer established and pay the charity and accept faith in the Hereafter. 4 these are rightly guided by their Lord: and these are the ones who will prosper. 5 (In an attempt to show that God's revelations are only ancient legends) some people pay for meaningless tales to draw others attention away from the Quran without knowledge and treat as a matter of fun. They will suffer a humiliating torment. 6 And when Our signs are recited to such a man he turns away, waxing proud, as though he heard them not, and in his ears were heaviness; so give him good tidings of a painful chastisement. 7 [As against this,] verily, those who attain to faith and do righteous deeds shall have gardens of bliss, 8 to abide therein in accordance with God's true promise: for He alone is almighty, truly wise. 9 He hath created the heavens without supports that ye can see, and hath cast into the earth firm hills, so that it quake not with you; and He hath dispersed therein all kinds of beasts. And We send down water from the sky and We cause (plants) of every goodly kind to grow therein. 10 Such is the creation of Allah; now show me what, other than Him, created! No, the harmdoers are in clear error. 11
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
توجد تمارين تحفيظ للوضعين العربي الأصلي والعربي المخطوط بأحرف إنجليزية فقط. ولا تحتوي الترجمة الإنجليزية على تمارين حفظ.
There are memorization exercises for the original Arabic and English transliterated Arabic modes only. The English translation mode has no memorization exercises.
قراءة القرآن مترجماً إلى الإنجليزية أو أية لغة أخرى أشبه بقراءة كتب التفسير من قراءة ترجمات حرفية.
Reading the Quran translated into English, or any other language, is more like reading books of interpretation than reading literal translations.
تدرب على حفظ القرآن بمستويات مختلفة للمبتدئين والمحترفين. تخفي صفحات التمارين بعض الكلمات بحسب المستوى، ويتم ذلك بألوان جميلة أيضًا.
Practice memorizing the Quran (Hifz) with different levels from beginner to expert. Exercise pages hide some words depending on the level, also done in beautiful colors.