1/2 Hizb 56
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Divorce (Al-Talaaq)
12 verses, revealed in Medina after The Human (Al-Insan) before Proof (Al-Bayyinah)
In the name of Allah, most benevolent, ever-merciful
۞ Prophet and believers, if you want to divorce your wives, you should divorce them at a time after which they can start their waiting period. Let them keep an account of the number of the days in the waiting period. Have fear of God, your Lord. (During their waiting period) do not expel them from their homes and they also must not go out of their homes, unless they commit proven indecency. These are the Laws of God. Whoever transgresses against the laws of God has certainly wronged himself. You never know, perhaps God will bring about some new situation. 1 When they have reached their appointed time, then either keep them lawfully or let them go honourably; but have two witnesses from among you, and give truthful evidence for (being acceptable to) God. This is to warn him who believes in God and the Last Day. God will furnish a way out for him who fears Him, 2 And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion. 3 As for your women who have despaired of further menstruating, if you are in doubt, their period shall be three months; and those who have not menstruated as yet. And those who are with child, their term is when they bring forth their burden. Whoso fears God, God will appoint for him, of His command, easiness. 4 [for] all this is God's commandment, which He has bestowed upon you from on high. And unto everyone who is conscious of God will He pardon [some of] his bad deeds, and will grant him a vast reward. 5 Lodge them where ye dwell, according to your wealth, and harass them not so as to straiten life for them. And if they are with child, then spend for them till they bring forth their burden. Then, if they give suck for you, give them their due payment and consult together in kindness; but if ye make difficulties for one another, then let some other woman give suck for him (the father of the child). 6 Let the man of means spend according to his means, and he whose means are limited, should spend of what God has given him. God does not burden a soul beyond what He has given him. God will bring ease after hardship. 7
1/2 Hizb 56
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