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Say: I find not in that which is revealed unto me aught prohibited to an eater that he eat thereof, except it be carrion, or blood poured forth, or swineflesh - for that verily is foul - or the abomination which was immolated to the name of other than Allah. But whoso is compelled (thereto), neither craving nor transgressing, (for him) lo! thy Lord is Forgiving, Merciful. 145 Unto those who are Jews We forbade every animal with claws. And of the oxen and the sheep forbade We unto them the fat thereof save that upon the backs or the entrails, or that which is mixed with the bone. That we awarded them for their rebellion. And lo! we verily are truthful. 146 So if they give the lie to thee (Muhammad), say: Your Lord is a Lord of All-Embracing Mercy, and His wrath will never be withdrawn from guilty folk. 147 The polytheists will now say, “Had Allah willed, we would not have ascribed partners (to Him) nor would have our forefathers, nor would we have forbidden anything”; similarly those before them had denied, till the time they tasted Our punishment; say, “Do you have any knowledge so you can offer it to us? You follow only assumptions and only make guesses.” 148 Say - For Allah's is the final argument - Had He willed He could indeed have guided all of you. 149 Say to them: 'Call your witnesses to testify that Allah forbade such-and-such.' Then if they do testify, neither testify with them nor follow the desires of those who have given the lie to Our signs and who do not believe in the Hereafter and set up equals with their Lord. 150
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
اضغط "عشوائي" للذهاب إلى أي صفحة عشوائية. اضغط المثلث إلى يمين "عشوائي" للانتقال إلى صفحة عشوائية قبل الصفحة الحالية، أو المثلث إلى اليسار للانتقال إلى صفحة عشوائية بعد الصفحة الحالية.
Click or tap on "random" to go to any random page. Click or tap the triangle to the left of "random" to go to a random page before the current page, or the triangle to the right to go to a random page after the current page.
عند قراءتك القرآن الملون باللغة العربية، هناك احتمال 1 من 6 أن يظهر النص بدون تشكيل. فإذا أردته مشكلاً، اضغط على رقم الصفحة لإعادة تحميلها، فهناك احتمال 5 من 6 أن يظهر التشكيل.
When reading ColorfulQuran.com in Arabic, there is a 1/6 possibility for the Arabic scripture to appear without diacritics. If you want diacritics to appear, just press the page number to reload it, then there is a 5/6 possibility that they will.