Hizb 18
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wasalhum aani alqaryati allatee kanat hadirata albahri ith yaadoona fee assabti ith tateehim heetanuhum yawma sabtihim shurraan wayawma la yasbitoona la tateehim kathalika nabloohum bima kanoo yafsuqoon 163 waith qalat ommatun minhum lima taaithoona qawman allahu muhlikuhum aw muaaththibuhum aathaban shadeedan qaloo maathiratan ila rabbikum walaallahum yattaqoon 164 falamma nasoo ma thukkiroo bihi anjayna allatheena yanhawna aani assooi waakhathna allatheena thalamoo biaathabin baeesin bima kanoo yafsuqoon 165 falamma aataw aan ma nuhoo aanhu qulna lahum koonoo qiradatan khasieen 166 waith taaththana rabbuka layabaathanna aalayhim ila yawmi alqiyamati man yasoomuhum sooa alaathabi, inna rabbaka lasareeaau alaaiqabi wainnahu laghafoorun raheem 167 waqattaanahum fee alardi omaman minhumu assalihoona waminhum doona thalika, wabalawnahum bilhasanati wassayyiati laallahum yarjiaaoon 168 fakhalafa min baadihim khalfun warithoo alkitaba yakhuthoona aarada hatha aladna wayaqooloona sayughfaru lana wain yatihim aaradun mithluhu yakhuthoohu, alam yukhath aalayhim meethaqu alkitabi an la yaqooloo aala allahi illa alhaqqa wadarasoo ma feehi waddaru alakhiratu khayrun lillatheena yattaqoona, afala taaqiloon 169 wallatheena yumassikoona bilkitabi waaqamoo assalata inna la nudeeaau ajra almusliheen 170 ۞ waith nataqna aljabala fawqahum kaannahu thullatun wathannoo annahu waqiaaun bihim khuthoo ma ataynakum biquwwatin wathkuroo ma feehi laallakum tattaqoon 171
Hizb 18
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Memory Exercise Level
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Random
ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
تدرب على حفظ القرآن بمستويات مختلفة للمبتدئين والمحترفين. تخفي صفحات التمارين بعض الكلمات بحسب المستوى، ويتم ذلك بألوان جميلة أيضًا.
Practice memorizing the Quran (Hifz) with different levels from beginner to expert. Exercise pages hide some words depending on the level, also done in beautiful colors.
اقرأ القرآن الكريم كله ملونا بالكامل، حيث تولد ألوان وأشكال الصفحات بشكل متنوع حيث لا يتكرر التركيب نفسه مرتين أبدا. القرآن هو العهد الخاتم والفاصل من الله الواحد الأحد لكافة الناس من جميع الألوان والأشكال.
Read the entire Holy Quran in full color. Pages diversely generate their colors and shapes so that the same scheme never repeats twice. The Quran is the conclusive Final Testament of the One and Only God for all people of all colors and shapes.
تشير بداية ونهاية كل سورة الى السور المنزلة قبلها و بعدها. يمكنك الضغط على أي منها للذهاب إليها.
The beginning and end of every Surah mention the Surahs sent down before and after. You can click or tap on either one to go there.