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And Allah created the heavens and the earth with truth and that every soul may be rewarded for what it has earned and they shall not be wronged. 22 Have you seen he who took his desire for a god? With knowledge, Allah has led him astray, setting a seal upon his hearing and heart, and has made a veil over his eyes, who then shall guide him after Allah? Will you not then remember! 23 And they say: "What is there but our life in this world? We shall die and we live, and nothing but time can destroy us." But of that they have no knowledge: they merely conjecture: 24 When Our enlightening revelations are recited to them, their only argument against it is, "Bring our forefathers back to life if what you say is true". 25 Say: "It is God who gives you life, and then causes you to die; and in the end He will gather you together on Resurrection Day, [the coming of] which is beyond all doubt - but most human beings understand it not." 26
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عند قراءتك القرآن الملون باللغة العربية، هناك احتمال 1 من 6 أن يظهر النص بدون تشكيل. فإذا أردته مشكلاً، اضغط على رقم الصفحة لإعادة تحميلها، فهناك احتمال 5 من 6 أن يظهر التشكيل.
When reading ColorfulQuran.com in Arabic, there is a 1/6 possibility for the Arabic scripture to appear without diacritics. If you want diacritics to appear, just press the page number to reload it, then there is a 5/6 possibility that they will.