3/4 Hizb 27
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Those before them did also plot (against Allah's Way): but Allah took their structures from their foundations, and the roof fell down on them from above; and the Wrath seized them from directions they did not perceive. 26 And again, on the Day of Resurrection, He will bring them to disgrace, and say: "Tell Me, now, where are those to whom you ascribed a share in My Divinity, and for whose sake you disputed (with the upholders of the Truth)?" Those who were endowed with knowledge (in the world) will say: "Surely today humiliation and misery shall be the lot of the unbelievers"; 27 Whom the angels cause to die while they are wronging themselves. Then will they make full submission (saying): We used not to do any wrong. Nay! Surely Allah is Knower of what ye used to do. 28 Go now, and enter the gate of Hell, and abide in it for ever. " Evil indeed is the abode of the arrogant. 29 ۞ And when it is said unto those who fear: what is it that your Lord hath sent down? They say: that which is better. For those who do good is good in this world, and the dwelling of the Hereafter is better. Excellent is the dwelling of the God-fearing! 30 Gardens of perpetual bliss will they enter - [gardens] through which running waters flow - having therein all that they might desire. Thus will God reward those who are conscious of Him 31 those whom the angels gather in death while they are in a state of inner purity, greeting them thus: "Peace be upon you! Enter paradise by virtue of what you were doing [in life]!" 32 So what are they waiting for, except that the angels come upon them or that your Lord’s punishment comes? Those before them did exactly this; and Allah did not oppress them at all, but it is they who used to wrong themselves. 33 Then there befell them the vices of that which they had worked, and there surrounded them that whereat they had been mocking. 34
3/4 Hizb 27
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