Jonah (Younus)
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Alif Lam. Ra. THESE ARE MESSAGES of the divine writ, full of wisdom. 1 Does it seem strange to people that We have sent revelation to a man from among themselves, saying, "Warn mankind and give glad tidings to the believers that they have a true rank [of honour] with their Lord?" Those who deny the truth say, "This man is clearly a sorcerer." 2 Surely your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then sat Himself upon the Throne, directing the affair. Intercessor there is none, save after His leave that then is God, your Lord; so serve Him. Will you not remember? 3 To Him will be your return- of all of you. The promise of Allah is true and sure. It is He Who beginneth the process of creation, and repeateth it, that He may reward with justice those who believe and work righteousness; but those who reject Him will have draughts of boiling fluids, and a penalty grievous, because they did reject Him. 4 It is He who made the sun a radiance, and the moon a light, and determined it by stations, that you might know the number of the years and the reckoning. God created that not save with the truth, distinguishing the signs to a people who know. 5 In the alternation of night and day, and all that He has created in the heavens and the earth, are certainly signs for people who fear God. 6 Verily, as for those who do not believe that they are destined to meet Us, but content themselves with the life of this world and do not look beyond it, and are heedless of Our messages 7 (As for) those, their abode is the fire because of what they earned. 8 But those who believe and act for a beneficial end will be guided by their Lord for their good faith. At their feet shall flow streams of running water in gardens of delight. 9 Their cry therein will be: hallowed be Thou! O Allah! and their greeting therein: peace! And the end of their cry will be: all praise unto Allah, the Lord of the worlds 10