1/2 Hizb 18
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The Spoils of War (Al-Anfaal)
75 verses, revealed in Medina after The Heifer (Al-Baqarah) before The Amramites (Al-Imraan)
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
۞ They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) about the spoils of war. Say: "The spoils are for Allah and the Messenger." So fear Allah and adjust all matters of difference among you, and obey Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), if you are believers. 1 They only are the (true) believers whose hearts feel fear when Allah is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited unto them they increase their faith, and who trust in their Lord; 2 Those who keep up prayer and spend (benevolently) out of what We have given them. 3 those are, in truth, the believers. They shall have degrees with their Lord and forgiveness, and a generous provision. 4 The way your Lord caused you, O dear Prophet to come forth from your home with the truth; and indeed a group of Muslims were unhappy about it. 5 Disputing with thee of the Truth after it had been made manifest, as if they were being driven to death visible. 6 Though God promised that one of two columns (would fall to you), you desired the one that was not armed. But God wished to confirm the truth by His words, and wipe the unbelievers out to the last, 7 that He might prove the truth to be true and the false to be false, however averse the evil-doers might be to it. 8 (Remember) when you sought help of your Lord and He answered you (saying): "I will help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following one another) in succession." 9 And Allah made not this save as a glad tidings, and that your hearts might thereby be set at rest; and succour cometh not but from Allah. Verily Allah is Mighty, Wise. 10
1/2 Hizb 18
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
كيف تعمل منظومة تمارين الحفظ؟ عند أدنى مستوى 0، تكون كل الكلمات ظاهرة. بينما يُخفي أعلى مستوى 9 كل الكلمات. فكيف تعمل المستويات المتوسطة، مثل 3، على سبيل المثال؟ قد تعتقد بأن المنظومة تخفي 3 من كل تسع كلمات بدقة. ليس تماما! في المستوى 3، لكل كلمة فرصة اختفاء بنسبة 3 من 9، و6 من 9 لتكون ظاهرة. بمعنى آخر، من الممكن، ولكن باحتمال شبة معدوم، أن تكون جميع كلمات المستوى 3 مخفية، أو أن تكون جميعها ظاهرة! وكذلك أيضًا، ففي المستويات المتوسطة، وبما يتناسب مع مستوى الصعوبة، يمكن أن تكون المخابئ غير كاملة أو شفافة جزئيًا بحيث تظهر الكلمات جزئيًا تحتها.
How does the memorization exercise algorithm work? At the lowest level 0, all words are visible. While the highest level 9 hides all words. What about at mid-level, like 3, for example? You might think that the algorithm hides precisely 3 out of every nine words. Not quite! At level 3, each word has a 3 out of 9 chance to hide, and 6 out of 9 to be visible. In other words, it is possible, but highly unlikely, for all words at level 3 to be hidden, or, that all of them to be visible! Also, at mid-levels, and in proportion to the difficulty level, hideouts can be partially incomplete or transparent so that words may be partially visible underneath.
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