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Say: Allah is sufficient as a witness between me and you; He knows what is in the heavens and the earth. And (as for) those who believe in the falsehood and disbelieve in Allah, these it is that are the losers. 52 They bid thee hasten on the doom (of Allah). And if a term had not been appointed, the doom would assuredly have come unto them (ere now). And verily it will come upon them suddenly when they perceive not. 53 They urge you to hasten the punishment. And indeed, Hell will be encompassing of the disbelievers 54 On the Day the punishment envelops them from above them and from underneath their feet, they will be told, "Taste [the punishment] for what you used to do!" 55 O My creatures who believe, surely My earth has plenty of scope and so worship only Me. 56 Every soul shall taste of death; then unto Us ye shall be returned. 57 We shall admit those who believe and do the right to empyreal gardens with rivers rippling by, where they will abide for ever. How excellent the guerdon of those who toil, 58 Those who are patient, and on their Lord do they rely. 59 And how many a living creature is there that takes no thought of its own sustenance; [the while] God provides for it as [He provides] for you - since He alone is all-hearing, all-knowing. 60 If you ask them: "Who created the heavens and the earth, and who set the sun and the moon to work?" They will answer: "God." Why then do they vacillate? 61 God grants abundant sustenance, or gives it in scant measure, to whichever He wills of His creatures: for, behold, God has full knowledge of everything. 62 And if you ask them, “Who sent down the water from the sky, and with it revived the earth after its death?”, they will surely say, “Allah”; proclaim, “All praise is to Allah”; in fact most of them do not have any sense. 63
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
اضغط المثلثات الصغيرة في أعلى الإطار وأسفله إلى اليسار لعرض فهرس السور، حيث يمكنك الانتقال إلى أي سورة أو أية صفحة بداخلها.
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اضغط المثلثات الصغيرة أعلى الإطار وأسفله إلى اليمين لعرض فهرس الأجزاء حيث يمكنك الانتقال إلى أي جزء أو حزب أو ثلاثة أرباع أو نصف أو ربع أو أية صفحة بداخله.
Click or tap the small triangles above and below the frame on the left to display the Juz Table of Contents where you can go to any Juz, Hizb, ¾, ½, ¼, or any page within.