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And who speaks better than he who calls to Allah while he himself does good, and says: I am surely of those who submit? 33 And the good deed and the evil deed will never be equal; O listener! Repel the evil deed with a good one, thereupon the one between whom and you was enmity, will become like a close friend. 34 Yet none shall receive it, except the steadfast; none shall receive it, except a man of mighty fortune. 35 And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing. 36 And the night, and the day, and the sun, and the moon are among His signs; do not prostrate for the sun or the moon, but prostrate for Allah Who has created them, if you are His bondmen. 37 But if they become haughty (then remember) that those who are close to your Lord sing His praises night and day and do not grow weary of (doing so). ۩ 38 Further evidence is that (at times) you find the earth to be barren. When it is watered it moves and swells (to let the plants grow). The One who brings it back to life will also bring the dead back to life. He has power over all things. 39 Surely those who slander Our signs are not hidden from Us. Then, is he better who will be cast into Hell, or he who will come out safe on the Day of Resurrection? Do whatever you will, He sees whatsoever you do. 40 Those who reject the Reminder [the Quran] when it comes to them [are the losers] -- truly it is a mighty Book: 41 Falsehood cannot come at it from before it or from behind it. (It is) a revelation from the Wise, the Owner of Praise. 42 Naught is said to thee but what already was said to the Messengers before thee. Surely thy Lord is a Lord of forgiveness and of painful retribution. 43 Had We revealed this as a non-Arabic Qur'an they would have said: “Why were its verses not clearly expounded? How strange, a non-Arabic scripture and an Arab audience!” Tell them: “It is a guidance and a healing to the believers. But to those who do not believe, it serves as a plug in their ears and a covering over their eyes. It is as if they are being called from a place far away. 44
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
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عند قراءة القرآن الملون في وضعية اللغة العربية المرسومة بالأحرف الإنجليزية، قد لا تلاحظ وجود منظومة برمجية مصممة لمطابقة متطلبات علامات الوقف في النص العربي الأصلي. فكما تعلم، يحتوي القرآن على خمسة أنواع رئيسية من علامات الوقف. (1) وقف لازم، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي نقطة وقف. (2) وقف جائز مع الوقف أولى، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال الثلثين. (3) وقف جائز مع تساوي أولوية الوقف والوصل، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال النصف للنصف. (4) وقف جائز مع الوصل أولى، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال الثلث. (5) وقف المجاذبة أو المعانقة حيث يجب الوقف في أي من موضعين قريبين ولكن ليس كلاهما، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة تظهر في أحد الموقعين باحتمال النصف للنصف.
When reading the Colorful Quran in English transliterated Arabic mode, you may not notice that there is an algorithm designed to match the pause requirements of the original Arabic scripture, (waqf signs). As you may know, the original Arabic Quran has five main types of pauses, (waqf) signs. (1) Compulsory break, where the transliteration uses a full stop. (2) Optional pause with the preference for pausing, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a probability of two thirds. (3) Optional stop with an equal preference for pausing and resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a half-half probability. (4) Optional pause with the preference for resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a chance of one third. (5) Attraction pause, also called hugging, or (mu’anaka) sign, where it is compulsory to pause at either one of two nearby positions, but not both; where the transliteration inserts a comma at either one of the two locations with a half-half probability.