3/4 Hizb 45
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And indeed Nuh (Noah) invoked Us, and We are the Best of those who answer (the request). 75 And We rescued him and his family from the great distress (i.e. drowning), 76 And made his progeny survive, 77 And We left for him among the posterity. 78 Peace be unto Noah among the peoples! 79 Thus do We reward all those who do good. 80 He was one of Our believing servants. 81 Then afterwards We drowned the rest. 82 ۞ Verily among those who followed his Way was Abraham. 83 (Remember when) he came to his Lord with a pure heart; 84 and when he said to his father and to his nation: 'What do you worship? 85 It is falsehood that you desire gods other than Allah! 86 Then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds?" 87 Then he looked up at the stars (they worshipped), 88 Then he said: Surely I am sick (of your worshipping these). 89 So they departed from him turning their backs. 90 Then he turned to their gods and said, "Do you not eat? 91 What aileth you that ye speak not? 92 He then began striking them with his right hand, unseen by the people. 93 Then they advanced toward him, hastening. 94 Said he: What! do you worship what you hew out? 95 "When God has created you and what you make?" 96 They said, "Let us build a fire and throw him into the flames". 97 They had contrived an evil plan against him, but We abased them all. 98 He said, 'I am going to my Lord; He will guide me. 99 (And he prayed:) "O Lord, grant me a righteous son." 100 So We gave him tidings of a gentle son. 101 And when he attained to working with him, he said: O my son! surely I have seen in a dream that I should sacrifice you; consider then what you see. He said: O my father! do what you are commanded; if Allah please, you will find me of the patient ones. 102 Then when the twain had submitted themselves and he had prostrated him upon his temple. 103 We called unto him, 'Abraham, 104 you have indeed fulfilled your dream. Thus do We reward the good-doers.” 105 That was indeed a trying test. 106 And We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice, 107 and We preserved for him a good name among posterity. 108 Peace be with Abraham. 109 Thus do We reward the good. 110 he was among Our believing servants. 111 Then, We gave him the glad tidings of Isaac, a Prophet, one of the righteous, 112 We blessed him and Ishaque (Isaac), and of their progeny are (some) that do right, and some that plainly wrong themselves. 113
3/4 Hizb 45
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
كيف تعمل منظومة تمارين الحفظ؟ عند أدنى مستوى 0، تكون كل الكلمات ظاهرة. بينما يُخفي أعلى مستوى 9 كل الكلمات. فكيف تعمل المستويات المتوسطة، مثل 3، على سبيل المثال؟ قد تعتقد بأن المنظومة تخفي 3 من كل تسع كلمات بدقة. ليس تماما! في المستوى 3، لكل كلمة فرصة اختفاء بنسبة 3 من 9، و6 من 9 لتكون ظاهرة. بمعنى آخر، من الممكن، ولكن باحتمال شبة معدوم، أن تكون جميع كلمات المستوى 3 مخفية، أو أن تكون جميعها ظاهرة! وكذلك أيضًا، ففي المستويات المتوسطة، وبما يتناسب مع مستوى الصعوبة، يمكن أن تكون المخابئ غير كاملة أو شفافة جزئيًا بحيث تظهر الكلمات جزئيًا تحتها.
How does the memorization exercise algorithm work? At the lowest level 0, all words are visible. While the highest level 9 hides all words. What about at mid-level, like 3, for example? You might think that the algorithm hides precisely 3 out of every nine words. Not quite! At level 3, each word has a 3 out of 9 chance to hide, and 6 out of 9 to be visible. In other words, it is possible, but highly unlikely, for all words at level 3 to be hidden, or, that all of them to be visible! Also, at mid-levels, and in proportion to the difficulty level, hideouts can be partially incomplete or transparent so that words may be partially visible underneath.
اضغط المثلثات الصغيرة أعلى الإطار وأسفله إلى اليمين لعرض فهرس الأجزاء حيث يمكنك الانتقال إلى أي جزء أو حزب أو ثلاثة أرباع أو نصف أو ربع أو أية صفحة بداخله.
Click or tap the small triangles above and below the frame on the left to display the Juz Table of Contents where you can go to any Juz, Hizb, ¾, ½, ¼, or any page within.
عند قراءتك القرآن الملون باللغة العربية، هناك احتمال 1 من 6 أن يظهر النص بدون تشكيل. فإذا أردته مشكلاً، اضغط على رقم الصفحة لإعادة تحميلها، فهناك احتمال 5 من 6 أن يظهر التشكيل.
When reading ColorfulQuran.com in Arabic, there is a 1/6 possibility for the Arabic scripture to appear without diacritics. If you want diacritics to appear, just press the page number to reload it, then there is a 5/6 possibility that they will.