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To such will be said, “O My bondmen! This day there shall be no fear upon you, nor any grief.” 68 For (those of) you on that day who believed in My revelations and submitted. 69 “Enter Paradise you and your wives and you will be honoured guests.” 70 Golden dishes and cups will be passed among them. All that the souls may desire and that may delight their eyes will be available therein. You will live therein forever. 71 This is the Garden which ye are made to inherit because of what ye used to do. 72 Therein for you is fruit in plenty whence to eat. 73 [But,] behold, they who are lost in sin shall abide in the suffering of hell: 74 Nowise will the (Punishment) be lightened for them, and in despair will they be there overwhelmed. 75 And We did not wrong them, but it was they who were the wrongdoers. 76 And they shall call out: O Malik! let your Lord make an end of us. He shall say: Surely you shall tarry. 77 We brought you the Truth; but to the truth most of you were averse.” 78 Or have they plotted some plan? Then We too are planning. 79 Do they think that We do not hear their secrets and whispers? We certainly can hear them and Our Messengers record it all. 80 Say (O Muhammad): If the Beneficent One hath a son, then, I shall be first among the worshippers. (But there is no son). 81 But -- exalted be the Lord of the heavens and earth, the Lord of the Throne -- He is far above their [false] descriptions. 82 So leave them to converse vainly and amuse themselves until they meet their Day which they are promised. 83 He it is Who is God in the heavens and the earth. He is the Most Wise, the All-Knowing. 84 And blessed be He to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, and with Whom is the knowledge of the Hour, and to Whom you (all) will be returned. 85 And those unto whom they cry instead of Him possess no power of intercession, saving him who beareth witness unto the Truth knowingly. 86 And if you asked them who created them, they would surely say, "Allah." So how are they deluded? 87 Consider his cry: O my Lord! surely they are a people who do not believe. 88 Then bear with them (O Muhammad) and say: Peace. But they will come to know. 89
True are the words of God the Almighty.
End of Surah: Vanity (Al-Zukhruf). Sent down in Mecca after Consultation (Al-Shooraa) before Smoke (Al-Dukhaan)
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