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Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection), 51 The day on which their excuse shall not benefit the unjust, and for them is curse and for them is the evil abode. 52 We gave Moses the Guidance and bequeathed upon the Children of Israel the Book 53 A guidance and a reminder to the men of understanding. 54 (Muhammad), exercise patience. The promise of God is true. Seek forgiveness for your sins and glorify your Lord with His praise in the evenings and in the early mornings. 55 Those who dispute the revelations of God without having received any authority do so because of their arrogance, but their arrogance cannot bring them any success. Seek protection from God for He is All-hearing and All-aware. 56 Indeed, the creation of heavens and earth is greater than the creation of mankind, yet most people do not know. 57 Not equal are the blind and those who (clearly) see: Nor are (equal) those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and those who do evil. Little do ye learn by admonition! 58 Verily, the Last Hour is sure to come: of this there is no doubt; yet most men will not believe it. 59 Your Lord has said: "Call to Me that I may answer your call. Surely those who disdain worshipping Me will enter Hell, disgraced." 60
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
توجد تمارين تحفيظ للوضعين العربي الأصلي والعربي المخطوط بأحرف إنجليزية فقط. ولا تحتوي الترجمة الإنجليزية على تمارين حفظ.
There are memorization exercises for the original Arabic and English transliterated Arabic modes only. The English translation mode has no memorization exercises.
عند قراءة القرآن الملون في وضعية اللغة العربية المرسومة بالأحرف الإنجليزية، قد لا تلاحظ وجود منظومة برمجية مصممة لمطابقة متطلبات علامات الوقف في النص العربي الأصلي. فكما تعلم، يحتوي القرآن على خمسة أنواع رئيسية من علامات الوقف. (1) وقف لازم، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي نقطة وقف. (2) وقف جائز مع الوقف أولى، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال الثلثين. (3) وقف جائز مع تساوي أولوية الوقف والوصل، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال النصف للنصف. (4) وقف جائز مع الوصل أولى، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال الثلث. (5) وقف المجاذبة أو المعانقة حيث يجب الوقف في أي من موضعين قريبين ولكن ليس كلاهما، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة تظهر في أحد الموقعين باحتمال النصف للنصف.
When reading the Colorful Quran in English transliterated Arabic mode, you may not notice that there is an algorithm designed to match the pause requirements of the original Arabic scripture, (waqf signs). As you may know, the original Arabic Quran has five main types of pauses, (waqf) signs. (1) Compulsory break, where the transliteration uses a full stop. (2) Optional pause with the preference for pausing, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a probability of two thirds. (3) Optional stop with an equal preference for pausing and resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a half-half probability. (4) Optional pause with the preference for resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a chance of one third. (5) Attraction pause, also called hugging, or (mu’anaka) sign, where it is compulsory to pause at either one of two nearby positions, but not both; where the transliteration inserts a comma at either one of the two locations with a half-half probability.