1/4 Hizb 20
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May God forgive you. Why did you allow them (to stay behind) without ascertaining who spoke the truth and who were liars? 43 Those who believe in God and the Last Day will never ask you to exempt them from striving with their wealth and their lives, God best knows the righteous, 44 only those seek exemption who do not truly believe in God and the Last Day, and whose hearts have become a prey to doubt. Because they doubt, they waver. 45 ۞ If they had desired to go forth, they would have made some preparation for it; but God was averse that they should be aroused, so He made them pause, and it was said to them, 'Tarry you with the tarriers.' 46 Had these [hypocrites] set out with you, [O believers,] they would have added nothing to you save the evil of corruption, and would surely have scurried to and fro in your midst, seeking to stir up discord among you, seeing that there are in your midst such as would have lent them ear: but God has full knowledge of the evildoers. 47 Indeed, even before this time have they tried to stir up discord and devised all manner of plots against thee, [O Prophet,] until the truth was revealed and God's will became manifest, however hateful this may have been to them. 48 And (many a one) there is among them who says: "Allow me (to stay back at home), and put me not on trial." Surely they have put themselves on trial already, and Hell will enclose the unbelievers from all sides. 49 If good befalls thee, it grieves them; but if a misfortune befalls thee, they say, "We took indeed our precautions beforehand," and they turn away rejoicing. 50 Say: 'Nothing will befall us except what Allah has ordained. He is our Guardian. In Allah, let the believers put their trust' 51 Say thou await ye for us ought save one of the two excellences; while for you we wait that Allah shall afflict you with a torment from Himself or at our hands. Await then, we also are with you awaiting. 52 Say: Spend willingly or unwillingly, it shall not be accepted from you; surely you are a transgressing people. 53 What prevents their offerings from being accepted is their disbelief in God and His Messenger, their lack of interest in prayer and spending for the cause of God reluctantly. 54 So let not their riches or their children surprise you; Allah only intends to punish them in the life of this world with these things and that they die only as disbelievers. 55 And they swear by Allah that they are from among you while they are not from among you; but they are a people who are afraid. 56 If they could find a place to flee to, or caves, or a place of concealment, they would turn straightaway thereto, with an obstinate rush. 57 And of them are some who accuse you (O Muhammad SAW) in the matter of (the distribution of) the alms. If they are given part thereof, they are pleased, but if they are not given thereof, behold! They are enraged! 58 Would that they were contented with what Allah and His Messenger (SAW) gave them and had said: "Allah is Sufficient for us. Allah will give us of His Bounty, and (also) His Messenger (from alms, etc.). We implore Allah (to enrich us)." 59
1/4 Hizb 20
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ملاحظات وتعليمات
Notes and Instructions
عند قراءة القرآن الملون في وضعية اللغة العربية المرسومة بالأحرف الإنجليزية، قد لا تلاحظ وجود منظومة برمجية مصممة لمطابقة متطلبات علامات الوقف في النص العربي الأصلي. فكما تعلم، يحتوي القرآن على خمسة أنواع رئيسية من علامات الوقف. (1) وقف لازم، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي نقطة وقف. (2) وقف جائز مع الوقف أولى، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال الثلثين. (3) وقف جائز مع تساوي أولوية الوقف والوصل، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال النصف للنصف. (4) وقف جائز مع الوصل أولى، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة قد تظهر باحتمال الثلث. (5) وقف المجاذبة أو المعانقة حيث يجب الوقف في أي من موضعين قريبين ولكن ليس كلاهما، حيث يستخدم الرسم الإنجليزي فاصلة تظهر في أحد الموقعين باحتمال النصف للنصف.
When reading the Colorful Quran in English transliterated Arabic mode, you may not notice that there is an algorithm designed to match the pause requirements of the original Arabic scripture, (waqf signs). As you may know, the original Arabic Quran has five main types of pauses, (waqf) signs. (1) Compulsory break, where the transliteration uses a full stop. (2) Optional pause with the preference for pausing, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a probability of two thirds. (3) Optional stop with an equal preference for pausing and resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a half-half probability. (4) Optional pause with the preference for resuming, where the transliteration uses a comma that may appear with a chance of one third. (5) Attraction pause, also called hugging, or (mu’anaka) sign, where it is compulsory to pause at either one of two nearby positions, but not both; where the transliteration inserts a comma at either one of the two locations with a half-half probability.
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